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Skopje Pride 2024 Recap

The anniversary Pride Parade was marked by strong messages and demands for equality, dignity, and love, focusing on safety and authenticity, and participation in social and political life without discrimination. The LGBTI+ community called for an education system that teaches acceptance of differences and promotes social cohesion instead of exclusion. They also demanded that the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia adopt the Law on Civil Registry, including a model for legal gender recognition based on self-determination, and that the healthcare system be adapted to diverse groups of citizens.

What was characteristic of this anniversary Pride Parade was that, despite the intensified anti-gender movements and their propaganda, support and cooperation increased. An alliance was built with people, communities, and movements that support and encourage the community to advocate for changes in the legal system. The Pride Parade opened as a platform for many other causes and groups who wanted to convey their message, to be more visible and recognized with their symbols. Symbolically, for five consecutive years, the Pride Parade has served as a corrective to everything that political structures have promised but failed to deliver.

This year’s “Skopje Pride” was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Council of Europe, the EU Delegation in the Republic of North Macedonia, Stockholm Pride, the French Embassy in Skopje, Kin & Carta – North Macedonia, and Brainster for the creation of the visual identity, especially their student Imer Saliu.

The Pride Parade also paid tribute to its long-time friends and supporters, such as the prematurely departed musician Mirko Popov.

The Skopje Pride Organizing Committee thanks all the citizens who, with their personal presence, contributed to taking another step forward towards unity and solidarity. We extend our greatest praise to the volunteers who selflessly invested themselves in the organization of Pride and the promotional events that preceded it. We express our gratitude to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia, whose members were up to the task this year as well and professionally secured the Pride, as well as to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia, which enabled us to use the army stadium for the entertainment part of the program.


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