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Skopje Pride 2022: We came out for love and love happened!

At the third Skopje Pride, the messages of love, equality, dignity, and justice resonated strongly. In these times of crisis full of aggression, conflicts, and hatred, thousands of smiling and positive people, members of the LGBTI community, and supporters of the fight for equal rights for all, marched on the streets of Skopje on Saturday, June 25. At the starting point, in the Park “Woman-Warrior”, the main messages of Pride were sent – Eva Cvetkovska, the president of the University Student Assembly, addressed the discrimination of LGBTI youth in the Macedonian educational system and the violence they are subjected to daily. MP Monika Zajkova called on her colleagues in the Parliament to show courage and finally pass the Law on Personal Records, which will regulate the gender markings of transgender people. Messages of support and perseverance were also expressed by the member of the European Parliament, Kim van Sparrentak.

Unlike the previous two Prides in Skopje, this year the march took place in the afternoon, and the endpoint was the ARM Stadium in the City Park. This year we were honored by the performances and participation of: Nade Talevska Spasovska, Alex Elektra, Dita Von Bill, Lana Vee, Divon Jane, Linda Socialista, Ronda Vu, DJ Jana Todorovska, DJ Marko Rikalovski, DJ Ginger, DJ Andrej Micajkov, DJ Martina Peneva and the beautiful host of the event, actress Natalia Teodosieva.

The organizing board of Skopje Pride thanks all the citizens who, with their presence, contributed to the creation of a magnificent atmosphere of togetherness and solidarity, in contrast to the numerous outbursts of hatred, which are an accompanying part of all events when the LGBTI community is made visible. Skopje Pride, as an event that rejects the shackles of stigma, systemic and family violence, overshadows all words full of hatred, intolerance, and moral superiority, regardless of whether they come from politicians, media workers, or “bots” on social networks.

We extend our greatest praise to the volunteers, who invested themselves unreservedly in the organization of the Pride and in the promotional events that preceded it. We express our gratitude to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose members were up to the task again this year and professionally secured the Pride, as well as to the Ministry of Defense, which allowed us to use the ARM stadium for the entertainment part of the program.

Skopje Pride 2022 was supported by the European Union, the Embassy of the United States of America, Civil Rights Defenders, Balkan Trust for Democracy, Norway, Foundation Open Society Macedonia, ILGA-Europe, Heinrich Boll Foundation, ERA – Association for LGBTI Equality for the Western Balkans and Turkey, InterPride, EPOA – European Pride Organizers Association, Romalitico and USAID.


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